About Me

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Heidi Feather quest for esoteric knowledge began over 35 years ago. Her youth was spent in the fields and forest of Southern New Hampshire, mostly on her maternal Grandparents farm. Here she developed a kinship with flora, fauna and land spirits. Her inner-standing grew as she worked with the elements. She became a student of the craft studding with Christopher Penzac and others. She has been a student of the tarot for 20 plus years. Her readings are very Earthy, amazing and Hot, say some of her clients. She has also gained her certification in Therapeutic Herbalism through Blazing Star Herbal School.. She was a working apprentice at Wise Way Herbals and has studied with Susan Weed. Heidi's unique perspective of plants and land spirits brings a depth of knowledge into her readings. Heidi is also an accoplished wool spinner and herbal dyer. All of her yarn is hand spun and hand dyed by Heidi. 90­% of the herbs are wild-crafted by Heidi for her dye cauldron. Heidi also wild-craft's herbal products and teaches about the herbs and dyeing. Herbs are an important part of our heritage. They beg to not be forgotten and not to be though of as just weeds.


Please Scroll through my Blog and See what I have to offer. Intuitive Tarot Readings, Artist, Level II Reiki Practitioner, Herbalist, Intuitive, and Fiber Spinner I offer Tarot Readings and my Hand Spun, Hand Dyed Wool Hats and More. Check back often for Updates and New Items!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Marijuana Out of the Closet

Marijuana, just the name brings up a myriad of emotions in people. It is constantly in the headlines should it be legalized or left behind closed doors where it has been for the last century. There seems to be such a stigma associated with the use of marijuana. I am a certified therapeutic herbalist, in my experience the use of it is wide spread. I have never met any people that are totally against it use. The people that I know who use are hard working, hold down jobs, and are good citizens. It is their form of medicine to relax and unwind. They are not plagued with suicidal thoughts and violent mood swings like others who are prescribe antidepressants. To some people it is just an illegal drug that gets people high, yet it is so much more than that. It is an herb that has been used for centuries not just socially but to cure many of man's ills. So why has this herb been so unfairly prosecuted?
The war on drugs particularly marijuana is relatively a recent event. In America between 1842 and the 1890's a powerful concentrated extract of marijuana was the second most prescribed drug. In the early colonies it was require that all that all farmers grow hemp. Hemp was used as legal tender from 1631 to the early 1800's. The US constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the original Levi jeans and Old glory were all made from hemp.
William Randolph Hearst reigned over the newspaper industry. He owned large tracks of standing timber. Harry Anslinger was appointed to the newly formed federal bureau of narcotics in 1931. Together they produced a smear campaign against marijuana and hemp. They used the prejudiced of the times, by attacking Mexicans and Negroes. They claimed that the evil weed was the most powerful violent inducing substance know to mankind. This led to the passing of the marijuana tax act in 1937 which made it illegal to grow, sell, buy, or distribute marijuana, hemp included. In 1970 the controlled substances act lumped together marijuana and hemp as schedule 1 drugs in the same category as heroin and LSD.
Marihuana comes from the family of herbs know as Cannabaceae. This family includes four varieties Cannabis indica, cannabis ruderalis, cannabis sativa. and humulus genus (hops). Hops is one of the main ingredients in beer. Cannabis sativa is the plant that most people are familiar with. The plant that produces hemp is a variation of c. sativa.
Marijuana therapeutic properties are divine. The plant is a tonic, intoxicant, stomachic, antispasmodic, analgesic, narcotic, sedative, and anodyne. Seeds and leaves are used to treat cancer and scirrhous tumors. The decoction of the root is said to help remedy hard tumors and knots in the joints. Today therapeutic use of cannabis is used for depression,glaucoma, nausea, pain, muscle, spasticity, multiple sclerosis, appetite loss associated with AIDS and cancer treatment.
When used properly there are virtually no side effect with Marijuana,except for the high of course. Not all people experience the pleasuring effect that most users do. If people don't experience the pleasure effect it has been my experience that they simple don't use it. Marijuana can be psychology addictive. Chronic users may suffer from asthma and withdrawal systems.
There is no reason that marijuana shouldn't be legalized for adults. I believe it is our right to use plants as medicine or recreationally whether or not they are cultivated or grown naturally. All herbs have a rightful place in our pharmacopeia. In Germany, Australia and other countries you can not use any natural growing plant with out a prescription from a Doctor. It is all goes back to control. We have the right to use what we want to heal ourselves, no one has the right to tell us otherwise. We should be able to be sovereigns of our own bodies. Marijuana and all herbs should continue to be medicine for common people like they always have been. It is time for Marijuana to come out of the closet.