About Me

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Heidi Feather quest for esoteric knowledge began over 35 years ago. Her youth was spent in the fields and forest of Southern New Hampshire, mostly on her maternal Grandparents farm. Here she developed a kinship with flora, fauna and land spirits. Her inner-standing grew as she worked with the elements. She became a student of the craft studding with Christopher Penzac and others. She has been a student of the tarot for 20 plus years. Her readings are very Earthy, amazing and Hot, say some of her clients. She has also gained her certification in Therapeutic Herbalism through Blazing Star Herbal School.. She was a working apprentice at Wise Way Herbals and has studied with Susan Weed. Heidi's unique perspective of plants and land spirits brings a depth of knowledge into her readings. Heidi is also an accoplished wool spinner and herbal dyer. All of her yarn is hand spun and hand dyed by Heidi. 90­% of the herbs are wild-crafted by Heidi for her dye cauldron. Heidi also wild-craft's herbal products and teaches about the herbs and dyeing. Herbs are an important part of our heritage. They beg to not be forgotten and not to be though of as just weeds.


Please Scroll through my Blog and See what I have to offer. Intuitive Tarot Readings, Artist, Level II Reiki Practitioner, Herbalist, Intuitive, and Fiber Spinner I offer Tarot Readings and my Hand Spun, Hand Dyed Wool Hats and More. Check back often for Updates and New Items!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Menstruation Tarot Spread

This spread is meant to help you a line with your Monthly cycle. For far to long this subject has been hidden from view. It has been know as the curse and much worse. It is a natural monthly cycle of bleeding for woman that corresponds with the moon's cycle. It is natural and normal and healthy for a woman to menstruate. Bring it up to some woman and they don't want to talk about it, they are ashamed. There should be no shame in being a woman, that is who we are in this incarnated human body at this time. As I am a woman who is going through menopause, which by the way is a process and normal. Menopause is not a disease that needs to be treated with hormones or drugs. Emotional and other issues seem to surface at the time of menopause. Issues that haven't been dealt with. Everything that we tired not to think about, swept under the rug. as it were. It is a time to reexamine our life's and clear things up and more forward into the evening of life with more clarity and wisdom. I want to come to terms myself with being a woman and celebrate that. It has been a struggle for me. Hopefully this spread will help you find some inner peace. The Spread can be used by anyone of any age. The spread can give you a good idea about your relationship with your menstrual cycle. Lay the cards with the first across the top row and next four the second and so on.


Teen Years.
1 How did you Feel about your cycle before it started?
2 How did your body respond when your cycle started?
3 How did you feel emotionally when your cycle started?
4 Did you feel supported with your cycle?

Young Adult Years
5 What was your relationship with your cycle as a young adult?
6 How do you feel about being a woman?
7 How did your cycle affect your work or career?
8 If a parent, How did your cycle effect your children? Or How did your cycle effect your home life?

Older Adult
9 How do you feel about aging?
10 How does your cycle effect your spouse? Or How does your cycle effect your intimate relationship's?
11 What is your biggest fear about aging?
12 What is your view on Menopause?

Menopause Years
13 What is your relationship with your uterus?
14 What is your biggest regret regarding being a woman?
15 What is the best gift of your uterus?
16 What is the biggest secret you hold within your uterus?